Concern & Incident Report

Iowa Zouk (IZ) is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and educational environment for all to experience the joys of learning and practicing Brazilian Zouk. Our community is composed of people of many races, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, abilities, languages, religions and spiritualities, ages, body shapes, immigrant statuses, and socio-economic statuses. We are committed to creating an environment of inclusivity and accountability amongst all community members.

If anyone raises a concern or has made you uncomfortable at any of our events, we encourage you to tell us about it here. No incident is too big or too small. Reporting builds awareness, strengthens our community and empowers others to do the same. All of your answers will be held strictly confidential to the IZ Community Safety and Wellness Team unless you give explicit consent otherwise. We are so sorry that you had a negative experience and thank you for your courage to share.

Please share your experience here